The Stories We Tell Ourselves

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Recently I have begun to notice that it is the stories we tell ourselves that are often the most powerful narratives in our head. It is these stories that can become our truths and drive our life experiences, unless we begin to notice their impact and challenge them....
Do you need to be in crisis to come in to therapy?

Do you need to be in crisis to come in to therapy?

Over the years one of the questions I often get asked is; Does it need to be an emotional crisis before I ask for support and enter therapy? The answer is no, therapy is also a great place to come to explore life changes and plans for the future. Most people know that...
Explore Your Own Potential This Year

Explore Your Own Potential This Year

I decided to call my Psychotherapy practice Grow Your Own Potential, because I believe we all have an incredible inner drive to grow and develop ourselves. For me this is the fundamental function of our work together in therapy to encourage and support this growth. As...
Set your intentions for a fulfilling New Year

Set your intentions for a fulfilling New Year

In a previous career, I often used to write articles for women’s magazines entitled; “New Year, New you!” at this time of year. These always made me sigh (inwardly), but I always tried my best to put a bit of a spin on them and ended up with lots of...
Protecting Your Precious Energy

Protecting Your Precious Energy

Most of us have felt at some time that we are tired of giving all our energy away to others, leaving us feeling exhausted and depleted. I have noticed, as have many of my clients, that this constant background anxiety from the holiday season and cost of living crisis,...
Learning to embrace the seasons

Learning to embrace the seasons

As the days get shorter and the nights draw in, we start to feel the Winter approaching. As someone who loves the sun, as soon as it starts to loose its warmth, I start to feel such loss, wishing it had been a longer more productive Summer (it is never long enough for...