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Body Image; moving towards acceptance

Body Image; moving towards acceptance

This post is one I have been very keen to do for a while, as clients have been bringing body image in to therapy more and more over the years. I think this is a subject that is very thorny for most of us and really valuable to be discussed in therapy. Menopause has...

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Protecting Your Precious Energy

Protecting Your Precious Energy

Most of us have felt at some time that we are tired of giving all our energy away to others, leaving us feeling exhausted and depleted, especially at the moment. I have noticed, as have many of my clients, that this constant background anxiety from the holiday season...

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Being connected and why it matters to mental health

Being connected and why it matters to mental health

One of the first things I notice about clients who suffer from depression or anxiety is that they often avoid being around other people. Some find others needs exhausting and some feel they might bring people down with their low mood. Overall there is a feeling that...

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The signs of emotional overwhelm

The signs of emotional overwhelm

Being aware of our emotional load and knowing when it's becoming too much is a careful balancing act. Physical overwhelm is probably easier to recognise for most of us; back pain or a headache which means we have to stop and take notice, even go to bed. Emotional...

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Is your anxiety holding you back from travelling?

Is your anxiety holding you back from travelling?

Travelling and holidays are mostly seen as great ways to relax and recuperate. However as the Summer holiday time arrives, I have clients who are finding it all incredibly stressful and very triggering for their anxiety. So how can something we all seem to long for...

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The art of idling; learning to fully rest

The art of idling; learning to fully rest

When we are in recovery from mental or physical illness, we need to learn to fully rest and let go in order to start to feel well. I often work with clients who find this a challenge, they busy themselves with to do lists and appointments. In many ways they are too...

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The ebb and flow of our mental health

The ebb and flow of our mental health

I am often asked by clients when they will be better, when they will recover and be fully themselves again after struggles with their mental illness.  This question is a deeply complex one and very relevant indeed in Mental Health Awareness Week. Mental health for me...

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Menopause and our emotions

Menopause and our emotions

The list of symptoms of the menopause range from dry skin to hot flushes, but a lesser known side effect is anxiety and low mood. The levels of anxiety reported by women in perimenopause and menopause, are seen to be on the rise and often come at what can be a very...

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Setting Boundaries

Setting Boundaries

We use the word boundaries a lot, without really thinking of its implications and what it truly means. We just know we should have them and many of us don't! Brené Brown says that boundaries are simply "What is ok for you and what isn't". This appeals to me because...

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Challenging Relationships

Challenging Relationships

Many people come in to therapy in the midst of a relationship which is causing them overwhelming difficult feelings. This relationship might be with a parent, family member, friend or love partner, all of them are equally difficult. The common theme is often that...

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The Stories We Tell Ourselves

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Recently I have begun to notice that it is the stories we tell ourselves that are often the most powerful narratives in our head. It is these stories that become our truths and drive our life experiences, unless we begin to notice their impact and challenge them. If...

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At the end of the day gratitude matters

At the end of the day gratitude matters

It has been another hard year for many people. Many of us are still reeling from all the turmoil and horror in the world right now and it can be a struggle to find a way forward It may take a bit of imagination but stepping back and focusing on those things we feel...

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