Break free of your Inner Critic

Break free of your Inner Critic

Rare is the person who has fully triumphed over self doubt, anxiety and lives a life free of internal wrangling. Most of us have an internal voice that is continually chattering at us, pointing out our failures and judging ourselves and others. If we were to write...
Jumping on the drama train!

Jumping on the drama train!

This new podcast explores how our thoughts and internal chatter sometimes overwhelm us and cause us to step aboard the drama train. Take a listen and find ways to help you manage your anxiety.
Body Image; moving towards acceptance

Body Image; moving towards acceptance

This post is one I have been very keen to do for a while, as clients have been bringing body image in to therapy more and more over the years. I think this is a subject that is very thorny for most of us and as such I myself have had to really consider what it means...
Learn to feel your feelings

Learn to feel your feelings

I spend a lot of my time in therapy with clients who want to avoid their feelings and have done so for most of their lives. Over the years I have noticed that there is a tendency for clients to distrust their feelings, perhaps because they have been overwhelming,...
Why we need to be honest about suicide

Why we need to be honest about suicide

The fact that I had to think long and hard before I decided to write about suicide in this blog, makes me fully aware that there is still a huge stigma around suicidal thoughts and ideation. Yet I have had a large number of clients over the years, who have suicidal...