When we are in recovery from mental or physical illness, we need to learn to fully rest and let go in order to start to feel well.
I often work with clients who find this a challenge, they busy themselves with to do lists and appointments. In many ways they are too busy doing and not enough time being. Many of us do this, as society often links our worth to our productivity, we learn that resting is being lazy and we feel guilty.
When we fully let go of the things we feel we need to do, we can let the mind and body rest and we can begin to heal. More importantly we come in to the body and can really be with how we are feeling in that moment.
I often recommend to start by reading a book, or listening to some music.
Find a comfortable place and try to focus on what you are doing, then in intervals stop and just look out the window, maybe watching the world or the clouds.
Deepen your breathing and watch how you are feeling, but try not to get caught up in your thoughts, just let them go like clouds.
We can then lead up to just sitting and being still, true idling; as in doing nothing and being absorbed in the world around us.
So often we are trapped in our head and thoughts, by being moved by the world around us we realise we are part of it but are able to step back. I often get the feeling that I am just one person on a wonderful planet, moving slowly round the sun, it makes my problems seem smaller and I feel more connected to myself and others.
As Summer approaches we can move outside and sit in the garden or a park, watching nature, the weather and the insects can truly transform how we feel. I can’t wait for a bit of true idling in my garden as the warmer weather comes, I love the hum of the bees and insects… being part of the wonderful rhythm of life.